Tuesday, December 15, 2009

A special message to my valued Oracle clients from Santa!

Okay, in the spirit of the holidays, I need you all to humor me for a moment...

With three young children at home ages 7, 5, and 2, admittedly I am eye-balls deep in Christmas shhhtuff at Hachey Manor.

And while a tad stressful at times, having small kids around the house definitely makes the holidays more fun, and it's one of those experiences you need to treasure while you can, because someday they grow up, stop believing in Santa, dye their hair purple, pierce an eyebrow, and the fun subsides a smidge.

Anywho, in the spirit of the holidays, and with the assistance of the good folks at UgroupMedia Inc., I'm forwarding along this very special message to you, my Valued Oracle Client, from the big man himself:

Click here to view your private message from Santa!

As you view, I certainly understand that this doesn't translate perfectly to an entire company (this is where the humoring part comes in), but I thought at the very least this may be something you all may want to customize and share with your own children (And I promise, there are no Oracle licensing implications! Ba dum dum. I'm here all week. Try the veal).

Speaking from experience, my two older kids have watched their own private messages upwards of a dozen times already, with absolutely no talk of dying hair or piercing anything on their face.

Enjoy, and ho ho ho!